Ethion presents ‘participatory entrepreneurship’ as a solution

Interesting interview on Kanaal Z with Geert Janssens, economist of Ethion (the former VKW). He brings participatory entrepreneurship as an alternative to the current social dialogue and questions the role of the works council, using statements such as: “today, the works council is still too often in the trenches”. The questions from Veronique Goossens indicate that in order to change things there is still a lot of work to do.

To Jan Lagast it was particularly remarkable that profit participation of the staff was seen as something very dangerous. Strange, because in this particular trench warfare it is quoted that the entrepreneurs’ thirst for profit would be the danger of this century. As soon as you turn the tables and let the personnel also take part in profit, the gun is suddenly swapped over to the other shoulder and there is being indicated that profit participation entails dangers such as making loss. Could there be a fundamental and good reason after all for entrepreneurs who want to take that risk, to get the chance to earn just a little more money than the ones who do not want to take any risks?

Watch the interview via the Kanaal Z website.