Participium in the media

Earlier this week, we wrote about the article posted on the new role of Paul Indekeu as CEO of Participium. Other business and tech news channel followed the example of Read the article

The news and knowledge platform for Flemish entrepreneurs dVO De Vlaamse Ondernemer focussed on the financial aspect of the changes, with Paul increasing his contribution to 500.000 euros and the possible growth this can bring along. Read the article

And even abroad the changes at Participium didn’t go unnoticed. Business and technology website Dutch IT channel dedicated a page length article to the internal changes at Participium. Read the article


Changes at Participium don’t go unnoticed

We are pleased to see that the important changes that took place in Participium’s board of directors don’t go unnoticed. the online platform for ICT professionals, posted a news item on its website about the new role for Paul Indekeu and our future plans.

Journalist Suzanne Martens correctly assessed that this is indeed relevant for the readers of The companies Participium has started up are directly or indirectly linked to technology. And we are convinced that technology is a necessity to increase the services delivery quality and to enable a steady scaling up for the long term.

Thank you Suzanne for writing about us!

Read the full article