Three essentials of self-steering

As we mentioned earlier prof. Jan De Visch held an interesting lecture about self steering, at the event of february 8, organized by the Argonauts and Unizo, and sponsored by Participium.

This is what we learned from prof. Jan De Visch.

There are three essentials of self steering

  1. Organize around the customer and organize around the customer’s value streams. The client will dictate your organization.
  2. Grow in how your organization develops its internal cooperation. Everyone has two jobs: the main task and the task to cooperate with others. Developing job 2 is key for the future success.
  3. In search of the operating model that fits best with the DNA of your organization. This is the canvas Jan De Visch has developed to illustrate the strengths and focus points of all of the new working models. There is no one size fits all … every organization has to look for its own way of working (together).

Download Jan De Visch’ presentation (in Dutch)