KVI as most important administrative measure

Today the ExCo meeting of Participium took place. Participium’s evolution is constantly observed through a number of parameters. One of these parameters is the particular status of the companies that it helps to grow.

The most important parameter is the Key Value Indicator (KVI). KVI is a method developed by the people at management consultancy Forte to check whether customers are satisfied with the added value that they were promised during the sales talk. The KVI not only measures ‘supplier delivery’, but also ‘client perception’.

Recurring business

KVI is the most important predictor of recurring business. After all, if customers realize that your company truly offers them added value, they will most likely want it again. This is so important for a healthy company that it is a crucial part of any advice Forte gives its clients. It is so important for a stable growth that Participium has decided to follow not only its own KVI closely, but that of every company it guides through growth.

Participium builds first companies

Today, the first Investor Committee of Participium gathered to reflect on the companies that we structurally want to work on and in which we want to invest full time and effort. Last summer, Participium’s emphasis shifted from advisor-supervisor to company builder. And that has its consequences for our way of working.

As a company builder, Participium will now only lead companies for a longer period of time to guarantee success in the medium term. In existing companies we work together with the existing team that can further realize their product or service. But we also create our own companies, which we believe to be potentially successful throughout Europe. In the first years, the focus will be on two ‘sweet’ spots: Brains@Work and Living & Leisure. The first group consists of knowledge workers and their suppliers. Product manufacturers and service providers for the future of living and recreating are part of the second group.

All projects Participium was involved in, in the last few months were analyzed. The Investor Committee decided to actively engage in the reorganization of two existing companies. The first one is a management consultancy firm annex marketing communications specialist for technology companies and the second one a software producer that creates web software for consultants and freelancers. In addition, Participium is preparing a completely new franchise concept for administrative services for its first capital injection. All projects are covered by the Brains@Work sector and have an international growth perspective.

Participium will of course not abandon its customers from the advice and guidance. These customers get the opportunity to receive structural support if they are open to it. Today, however, Participium wants to invest resources and time on a number of crucial projects.